Tuesday, October 05, 2004

unreal reality TV

Reality TV. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT. Realty TV with a star wannabee called the Donald with a combover that could cover the lower half of Central Park and an ego larger than the other half. Reality TV with Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie slopping swine dung. The closest these two undernourished barbie dolls get to real farming is the salted home fries they munch on at the chic downtime LA "I'm trying to be a celebrity" clubs. Survivor number whatever held in Jeff Probst's backyard. Do you think Mark Barnett would actually use a true cross section of the American population to backstab and show more skin than Hilton in her xxx-web movie on their way to a million bucks. He maybe a barnyard leach but he ain't stupid. Do ya think the Orange County chopper dudes saw gold in them there hills by playing on us idiots by being all testosterone od'ed. These guys even got a gig with AOL - idiots and the web, now there's some reality. I have no idea who's marrying who on TV these days but I thought the soaps played during the hours between Montel and Oprah. Anyone remember any of the winners and also rans of the Simon star search series, except of course William Hung who everyone knew was a "star to be" behind those awesome pearly whites. Then there's the whole makeover thing - wives, boyfriends, houses, rooms, hetero's being groomed by gays, whatever. I wanna see some real boring reality with real boring people just like us.

I'm available for auditions anytime before Montel and after Oprah.


boyze said...

Well dear, dopamine is the only one I can spell and I even occasionally mess that up. Two of the remaining 3 I can't even pronounce. But I will take your suggestion to heart and make sure I give all the neurotransmitters equal billing in my future epistles. Now I need slurp my morning high octane mojo to kickstart uncles serotonin, acetylcholine and norepinephrine into gear.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, dad. I have to admit that these mini-epistles you find the time to post are quite funny. However, I need to point out something that has been bothering me a little. The fact that our of the four main neurotransmitters emitted in the brain, you choose to only mention one, dopamine. What about acetylcholine? Hmm? Or maybe even serotonin? Norepinephrine? Come on, Mr. "Fractured X chromosome," let's learn some biochemistry! Anyway, love the blog, keep it up, it makes me giggle.