Sunday, October 10, 2004

move it, lard a**

Since when did pulling up a few dandelions equate to aerobic conditioning. When did a stroll to the mailbox pump the heart up. How is it that vacuuming the laundry room creates cardiovasular improvement. Heck most folks achieve higher cardio excitation thinking about sex. BTW, I bet there's a correlation between the girth size of these slime slugs and their propensity to define a workout as any activity that keeps them away from the grocery bag. I hate to be the bearer of bad news to these inactive trolls, but there is no easy fix. Real exercise takes effort and unfortunately if ya ain't sweating buckets of pore goo ya ain't working out. And for you naysayers with the bucket of medicinal oral pop products, real exercise might just cure most, if not, all of your flab induced afflictions. Do ya think a marathoner has regular constipation and a need for one of the myriad of bowel regulators. Do ya think a real power walker takes a breather half way up a flight of stairs. Do ya think the aerobics instructor needs acid reflex blaster. Speaking of instructors when did this fad of personal fitness trainers transcend to our easy fix culture. The weak minded have lowered the bar another notch for inadequate self responsibilty. They pay some muscle bound neanderthal to shout expletives in their face to induce them to move their lard butts. OMG. What's next, surrogate trainers. Yup, that'll keep the adipose disposed from cardiovasular disease and in tip top shape for the dessert tray.

I need a breather. I've gone anaerobic from all this key stroking.

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