- ny giants winning a repeat superbowl *
- a us born american winning the boston marathon
- me winning the boston marathon
- me running the boston marathon
- me running anything labeled a marathon (half-, mini-, nano-....)
- congressional approval rating exceeding 25%
- congressional terms limits
- kim kardashian naming her baby, johnboy
- me winning the lottery **
- foxnews endorsing bernie sanders for fine person of the year *****
- chris mathews endorsing sarah palin for fine person of the year ******
- donald trump closing his twitter account
- donald trump muted
- me buying a humvee or smart car
- remembering how to spell "c-o-n-u-n-d-r-u-m"
- my life without conundrums
- becoming less cynical
- the word "ubiquitous" being removed from the merriam-webster unabridged dictionary ***
- wtf being added
- honey boo boo getting canceled
- bruce jenner manning up
- lance armstrong issuing a public mea culpa
- government shrinking ****
- national debt decreasing
- taxes decreasing
- federal register shrinking
- a Jamacian not winning the 100m at the world track championships
- the superbowl played on a wednesday in august
- a year without predicted apocalypses
- a doomesday event
- people not being stupid
- internet porn disappearing
- hugh hefner behaving old
- smart phones that fold my underwear
- a north dakota hurricane
- lake erie tsunami
- georgia avalanche
- rfid chips for my missing socks
- banned ed tv ads
- pro cannabis referendum in sc
- gun control in tx
- same sex marriage in ar
- oprah endorsing my blog
* i know they didn't make the playoffs
** i don't play the lotteries
*** see previous blog posting
**** at last count 1 in 6 workers get their paycheck from a tax payer funded entity
***** vt democratic socialist us senator
****** squawk box from ak
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