Sunday, November 14, 2004


The November '04 issue of National Geographic cites some interesting statistics based on Gallup polling regarding American views on the theory of evolution. "no less than 45% believe "God" created humans in their present form within the last 10,000 years and evolution played no role whatsoever". Only 12% believe humans evolved from other life-forms without intervention from God. The article goes on to summarize all the evidence that supports the evolutionary theory. It however, does leave the door open for a divine start of the process which many scientists and even many theologians also believe. Contrarily some theologians believe all 8,000,000+ species were planted on earth at time zero. I suppose their explanation for all the fossil finds dating back millions of years is voodoo science conspiracy. As further pointed out in the article the survey results haven't changed in the last 20 years with strict creationism being soley believed by at least 44% in each poll.

What's interesting and disturbing about these stats is the sheer arrogance it portrays about the human species and our profound lack of security in our existence. Apparently our brains have "evolved" to where we have too much time to think about why we are actually here. And because we are able ask the question we must therefore need a reason that sets us apart from the "other 8,400,000 species." Apparently for most, the reason lies with the writings of a few other humans a couple thousand years ago.

Will our arrogance be the basis of our survival for the next 10,000 years or even 10 years. Or the basis of our extinction.

Here's a scary thought: we are only one viral or bacterial mutation away from extinction. Whoops. That's Darwinism and evolution in its most simple form!

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