Thursday, January 01, 2009

2008 revisited

2008 became the year of the dumbass. Some noteable examples:

- Subprime Lenders: Don't they teach financing 101 in ivy league b-schools? Walk into your local bank and slip a teller a note to hand over all her drawer cash and you'll go to jail. Issue millions of $ of high risk loans sending your multi-billion dollar financial serves company into bankruptcy and then collect hefty multi-million $ golden parachute for job well done.

- Detroit Auto: Capitialism created the industry. Socialism will try and save it. Dig out the corporate body bags - it just a matter of when.

- Opec and commodities speculators: The consumer woke up. Green is finally in vogue.

- Sports Un-Legends: the Rocket allegedly does juice, Mindy McCready and Congress; Burress Plaxico becomes spokesperson for the NRA; OJ = Karma. Money still can't buy a pennant.

- Politicians: Spitzer redefines hippocracy. McCain redefines out-of-touch. Palin redefines the low bar. Bush redefines regrets. Cheney redefines at any cost. Hillary redefines coat tails. Greenspan refines whoops. Joe the plumber redefines deafness.

2008 wasn't all about greed, political weakness and dumbasses. Some noteable postive standouts: Michael Phelps, Usain Bolt, Barack, Warren Buffet, 67 million voters who saw beyond, ...............

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