Saturday, April 18, 2009

Stupid is What Stupid Does

Local cop gets youtubed. Vid shows him at local bar, under influence of alcohol making graphic fun of homocide victim and his mother when she id'd him. Cop is white. Victim family is black. The racial element should be irrelevant to the story but in our culture of political correctness the issue is further amplified.

Top cop asks internal affairs head to look into. (There are many options here and guess which one is taken!!)

Internal affairs dude and youtubed cop track down owner of computer that uploaded the vid (IP address tracking makes it tough to hide). Except that vid owner was brother who just flew back to Austrailia where he lives. Computer brother alleges intimidation by internal affairs dude and youtube cop and was told he would be prosecuted for illegal wire tapping unless the vid was pulled. District attorney says NOT. Cops apparently don't realize that even if the vid is pulled that once on the www always on the www.

How can it get worse - it does!!

Top cop defends internal affairs cop for trying to save the image of the department. Too late!!

Mayor defends top cop and internal affairs cop. The mayor should be the one with the elite political savvy. Apparently not.

Cop on leave with pay.

There's more stupid here than fleas on a dingo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And we have hit thenational news yet again..........