Thursday, February 16, 2012

Are public bars really legal

I've been curious about the rationality of the public drunkenness laws. If one is drunk in a bar are they at risk for arrest while in the bar? Afterall it is a public place patronized by the public. How about the walk home on the public sidewalk or to the car parked on a public street, of course accompanied by the designated driver?  How about a beer party at your crib with some public figure guests?

PUBLIC DRUNKENNESS Section 5505 of the Pennsylvania Crimes Code (Title 18)
A person is guilty of a summary offense if he appears in any public place manifestly under the influence of alcohol... to the degree that he may endanger himself or other persons or property, or annoy persons in his vicinity.
1st Offense
0-90 days
Perhaps it's not such a bad law.

That "annoy" subclause caught my attention.  I for one am very "annoyed" by some folks when they are stone cold sober whether in private or public.

You might be a pussy if

  • your dog doesn't drool or incessantly humps the neighbor's yorkie and kitty
  • your beer comes with twist-offs
  • your woman doesn't sport a half dozen tats and 3 pounds of stainless
  • your back has less hair than a winter haired Scottish highlander
  • your ride isn't littered with snickers wrappers, empty red bull cans and spent 45 shells
  • your belly doesn't have stretch marks, a shelf for a beer can and an invisible belly button
  • your jeans cover your hairy cheekless butt canyon
  • your nose hair isn't braided
  • your mullet rat tail doesn't employ a twist tie
  • you have a dental record
  • Limbaugh isn't crackling on the AM
  • the rear right fender isn't dragging in the mud
  • if your bumper stickers aren't about guns, dammes and damnation
  • you don't run them foreign cars into the ditch with your jacked up Chevy
  • the key chain is carrying less than 10 lbs of brass
  • your armpits don't attract fleas and  fresh bred sewer mosquitos
  • you can see the flesh under your finger nails
  • the windshield isn't cracked
  • the fuzzies hanging from the rearview aren't whistling a tune from Tammi's favorite hits
  • the cigarette tray isn't full
  • the mailbox isn't secured with 2 bungies and half a roll of

ode by a proud pussy

Friday, February 10, 2012

Have you ever wondered why

- stupid is ubiquitous
- people use the word ubiquitous
- someone came up with the word ubiquitous
- ubiquitous isn't spelled e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e
- dear abby has a job
- lima beans aren't on the banned substance list
- the food pyramid isn't sprinkled with chocolate jimmies in swirled whippy dip
- preparation H is called preparation H
- in a group of a 10 the dog only sniffs your crotch....front and rear
- we went to the moon....6 times
- corduroy went out of style
- corduroy was ever in style
- someone tossed out your vintage suede boots....and matching double knit leisure suit
- airline stewardess don't go postal
- cuff-links were invented
- suspenders are used
- an orange is called an orange
- given a choice of a bag of Hersey's kisses and a bag of Lay's Wrinkles you'll find a way to devour the same early onset diabetic frenzy
- you believe the voice in the Garmin is going to someday reach out and bitch slap you for ignoring her
- there's lite beer
- twinkies aren't a national treasure and on the protected species list
- Ben and Jerry haven't won the Nobel Peace Prize
- why Nobel, the inventor of dynamite and other carnage devices, has a peace prize
- every Sports Illustrated isn't a swimsuit issue
- devout believers of the heavenly afterlife don't want to get there right now

Ya, me too.