"Americans usually buy about 7 billion rounds of ammunition a year, according to the National Rifle Association. In the past year, that figure has jumped to about 9 billion rounds," said NRA spokeswoman Vickie Cieplak (ref AP article posted 09/24/2009). Presumably due to the democrats now running DC. Oops, my bad. Of course, the lobbyists still run things. They're just licking more asses these days and fewer elephant tails.
I digress. That's a lotta freeking bullets!!
I digress. That's a lotta freeking bullets!!
Some other interesting statistics: Only 1 in 4 Americans own guns. The total ownership is 200 million guns. That means the average gun owner owns 3 weapons. I suppose the good news is that on average only 5 bullets per gun are purchased each year. And only 30,000 of the 7-9 billion rounds kill another American each year. (ref FBI stats)
Chris Rock has a hilarious series of jokes based on the idea of charging $5000 per bullet. The comedy man maybe onto something. Our property taxes could be greatly reduced, the NRA'ers could keep their hand artillery and perhaps a few less deadly trigger pulls would occur.